AI-Powered Cloud Cost Intelligence Engine

Cut your cloud spending by up to 40% with CloudXray's Cost Intelligence Engine, which offers tailored resolutions and actions

Start saving today and get a Free Cost Optimization Report

Key Features

Prevent Unnoticed Costs From Becoming “A Thing”!

Cost Savings Strategy

Does your organization lack a documented strategy for cloud cost management? CloudXray empowers you to set a tailored cost savings strategy, in plain English, leveraging AI to identify and implement the most effective optimizations for maximum savings.

Infrastructure Management Policy

Does your organization use specific cloud services or technologies like Kubernetes or Terraform? Using natural language, CloudXray allows you to declare this information, enhancing the engine’s output for more precise and effective Actions to take.

Cost Optimizations

Eliminate wasted costs from unused, idle, or misconfigured resources. CloudXray identifies and presents these issues, enabling you to quickly see the opportunities.


For each identified optimization, take actions that align with your company's processes. With CloudXray, we empower engineers to implement solutions seamlessly.

Supported Integrations

Coming Soon

Why CloudXray

Be the Hero

Enjoy the success of saving time and money for your organization.

Guarantee up to 40% Savings

Eliminate unused resources and put an end to cash burn.

Enhanced Productivity

Stop making engineers hunt for problems. Deliver insights and actions to achieve up to a 50% reduction in resolution time.

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