Stop with the Suggestions and Start with the Actions

The CloudXray solution leverages algorithmic and LLM based technologies to identify Cost Optimizations and provides the Actions necessary to resolve the issue, all in your preferred workflow

Start saving today and get a Free Cost Optimization Report

Tailored for DevOps Success

A Blueprint for Smart Savings

Whether you have a well-crafted cost reduction strategy or not, CloudXray helps you document and utilize this blueprint to ensure savings align with your current goals.

Cloud Resource Management Guidelines

Does your organization use specific cloud services or technologies like Kubernetes or Terraform? Using natural language, CloudXray allows you to declare this information, enhancing the engine’s output for more precise and effective Actions to take.

Savings Strategies and Tasks

By highlighting opportunities and enabling engineers to take action, CloudXray quickly pays for itself through cost and time savings.

Why CloudXray

Uncover the Savings

Put money back in your pocket

Tame your Cloud

Help engineers manage their resources, instead of the resources managing them

Reduce Toil

Give time back to engineers but not forcing them into more toil

  • As of May, 2024, CloudXray supports the following integrations:

    • AWS

    • GitHub

    • BitBucket

    • Kubernetes

    • Jira

    • Datadog

    Additional integrations are currently under development

  • CloudXray requires, at a minimum, access to your AWS cloud account.

  • CloudXray provides the following Actions:

    • Generate a ticket

    • Create a pull request (PR)

    • Provide a script

    • Mark the recommendation as not relevant

    • Re-evaluate recommendation


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